EHPAD Caring for seniors
Old age : Specific needs related to addiction
The CAA Group is developing a great deal of know-how in the service of structures welcoming seniors, people with reduced mobility (PRM), patients suffering from disabilities or suffering from degenerative pathologies and having to evolve in adapted hospital or reception environments: Ehpad , cantous, retirement homes, follow-up care centers.
Unique & authentic creations Health sector

For many years, the CAA Group has been making fittings for establishments linked to old age. We provide medical rooms, bathrooms adapted for people with reduced mobility, therapeutic kitchens, rest or catering rooms and specific care units for residential establishments for dependent elderly people (EHPAD).

For Cantous or establishments welcoming residents suffering from degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, we develop solutions promoting the maintenance of autonomy, help with spatial identification, orientation: facilitated circulation, adapted signage, studied shapes, specific furniture. We pay particular attention to their ergonomics.

Retirement homes, residential homes, senior residences and nursing homes are above all places of life: design, warm materials, studied colors, functional furniture contribute to the comfort and quality of life of dependent elderly people. Also, we take care not to neglect the decorative approach of your project.

HPADs and residences for the elderly are also places of care. The CAA Group brings all its know-how in the hospital and medical environment to create your consultation rooms, waiting areas, infirmaries or pharmacies, as well as areas reserved for nursing staff, your management or your administration.
Talk us about your projects